Extra, Extra, Wear All About It

Newspapers are great
for reading up on current events. They are also great for lighting up grills, and stuffing inside of postage boxes. But one use in particular makes a bold yet cute fashion statement. This use comes from Just Liv.

Just Liv makes adorable headbands from old newspapers! This is perfect because newspaper basically goes with everything from red to black to brown, etc. Each headband is constructed so beautifully with three little rose like pieces.

The headband fits and looks so perfect on me as well as my 17 month old little girl! Wow, a headband that I can actually share with my daughter and it looks great on both of us - that is hard to come by!!!

$15 is an outstanding price for such a magnificent eco-friendly headband that will spruce up any wardrobe. Check it out at www.justliv.etsy.com. They have so many adorable accessories that are all made from vintage and recycled materials.

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