Cuddly Two-In-One Diapers

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Babies have the softest skin ever. Imagine a baby with nothing on but a soft fleece cloth diaper. Makes you want to cuddle them right up, right? This is what happened to me when I put my daughter in one of Ariana's Clothesline diapers.

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These pocket diapers have an outer layer made out of very soft Malden Mills fleece. The inner layer is made of stay dry suede cloth; therefore, keeping wetness away from the skin. They come in all kinds of colors such as cinnamon, dusky blue, or my favorite mint green.

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Not only are Ariana's Clothesline diapers soft and cuddly, but they can also be used as diaper covers. What a deal! Your paying one small price for a diaper that is two diapers in one. Plus, these diapers will fit your baby for a long period of time due to the fact that they have snaps all across the front.

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Ariana's Clothesline also makes other soft goodies for baby such as hemp baby wipes and really comfy wool diaper covers. You can also find soft goodies for mommy as well! Check it out for yourself at

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